“We Cater To Cowards!” Is The Motto For Dr. Neal C. Green Dentistry In Santa Clarita.
Visiting the dentists office can be a paralyzing thought for those with a past negative experience. Working with “cowards” has become Dr. Neal C. Green’s motivation for the past 35 years.
Overcoming his own childhood dentist anxiety, Dr. Green now caters to those who have shared the same fear and aversion of the dentist chair. “If you have experienced a prior unpleasant interaction, or haven’t been seen by a dentist in years, it can be a challenge to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment,” their company website reads. “We have vast experience working with patients with any form of anxiety associated with visiting the dentist.”
Conscious Sedation Dentistry in Santa Clarita
Conscious sedation dentistry offers you safe dental work while you relax comfortably. Dr. Green will conduct an initial consultation in which he discovers your dental needs and designs a treatment plan that prioritizes your comfort.
If appropriate, Dr. Green will prescribe oral or inhalation sedation that will allow you to feel relaxed during future dental visits. Oral sedation will be prescribed by Dr. Green in a pill form while inhalation sedation, commonly known as “laughing gas”, will be administered prior to any oral treatment.
Related Article: Want Whiter Teeth? Dr. Neal Green D.D.S. Is The Santa Clarita Dentist To Call
Dr. Green requires all patients who opt for sedation to be driven to and from their appointment by a companion to ensure the safety of his patients. “We will perform a thorough dental examination where you can discuss your anxiety about impending treatment before we formulate a treatment plan,” their website reads. “This can help us come to the best decision on how to address your fears.”
Whether you’re in need of regular dental check ups, major dental surgery, or teeth whitening, Dr. Green in Santa Clarita has the solutions to brighten your smile and eliminate the fear of the dentist’s chair.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit their website at nealgreendds.com.
“We Cater to Cowards”
We are only a phone call away!
Emergency services are available. We accept all PPO insurance and union plans.
Santa Clarita (661) 251-1320
“We Cater to Cowards”
We are only a phone call away!
Emergency services are available. We accept all PPO insurance and union plans.
Santa Clarita (661) 251-1320